30TH Anniversary


30th Anniversary Celebration
Established in 1993, this year marks the 30th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. A series of Anniversary activities have been planned to celebrate this remarkable milestone with the people of Hong Kong.
HKAM 30th Anniversary Logo
30th HKAM Slogon
Nurturing Specialists for 30
Years: Guarding the Health
of the Community
Inside the “0” of the 30th Anniversary logo, the designer has created overlapping Chinese words for “person” and formed another oracle bone script for “follow”, which signifies walking together. The gold “person” on the left also represents the English letter “A”, and when both “persons” overlap, they form the letter “M”, which represents HK“AM”, while waved stripes represent continuity.

This logo symbolizes HKAM putting people foremost, and has been walking together with Hong Kong citizens for 30 years.
As the slogan stated, by nurturing medical specialists across different specialties, HKAM carries forward its mission from one generation to the next, constantly guarding the health of Hong Kong society.
Dr. Yu-fat CHOW
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit LEUNG
Prof. Philip Kam-tao LI
Dr. Wing-cheong LEUNG
Prof. Eric Wai-choi TSE
Prof. Martin Chi-sang WONG
Dr. Benny Chun-pong CHENG
Dr. Joseph Chun-kit CHUNG
Dr. Johnny Kin-sang LAU
Dr. Eddie Cheuk-pun YUEN
Hong Kong College of Community Medicine
Dr. Tom Fu-tak HO
The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong
Dr. Clara Wing-yee WU
Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine
Dr. David Vai-kiong CHAO
The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians
Dr. Wai-cheung LAM
The Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Dr. Noel Ching-yan CHAN
The College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong
Dr. Pui-yee LO
The Hong Kong College of Otorhinolaryngologists
Dr. Janice Chin-ying CHOW
Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
Dr. Siu-ming MAK
The Hong Kong College of Pathologists
Prof. Daniel Tak-mao CHAN
Hong Kong College of Physicians
Dr. Alta Yee-tak LAI
Hong Kong College of Radiologists
Dr. Dacita To-ki SUEN
The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
Publication Subcommittee (alphabetised by last name)
Prof. Martin Chi-sang WONG
Dr. David Vai-kiong CHAO
Dr. Frankie Wai-tsoi CHENG
Dr. Ralph Koon-ho CHEUNG
Dr. Johnny Kin-sang LAU
Dr. Karen Ka-yan LEUNG
Dr. Dacita To-ki SUEN
Scientific Subcommittee (alphabetised by last name)
Prof. Paul Bo-san LAI
Dr. Gordon Tin-chun WONG
Prof. Samuel Yeung-shan WONG
Dr. Albert Kam-ming CHAN
Dr. Yu-fai CHOI
Dr. Gladys Wai-man KWAN
Prof. Simon Hung-san LAM
Dr. Pamela Pui-wah LEE
Prof. Philip Kam-tao LI
Dr. Victor Sui-wah IP
Prof. Carmen WONG
Dr. Desmond Yat-hin YAP
Social Subcommittee (alphabetised by last name)
Dr. Joseph Chun-kit CHUNG
Dr. Wing-cheong LEUNG
Dr. Clara Wing-yee WU
Dr. Hung CHAN
Prof. Chi-wai CHEUNG
Dr. Wendy CHENG
Dr. Tom Fu-tak HO
Prof. Ivan Fan-ngai HUNG
Dr. Wilson LI
Dr. Siu-ming MAK
Dr. Victor Wai-lun TANG
Dr. Jeremy Yuen-chun TEOH
Dr. Sut-yee TSE
Dr. Victor Hip-wo YEUNG
Dr. Hon-chi YIP
Dr. Eddie Cheuk-pun YUEN
celebratory events
14-15 JanUary 2023
Tripartite Medical Education Conference 2023 cum Grand Launch of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine’s 30th Anniversary
The Academy celebrates its 30th Anniversary this year. To kick off the year-long series of celebration activities under the theme “Nurturing Specialists for 30 Years: Guarding the Health of the Community, the Academy joined with Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, for the very first time in organising a two-day Tripartite Medical Education Conference 2023 from 14 to 15 January 2023.

The Grand Launch of the 30th Anniversary was held in conjunction with the Opening Ceremony of the Conference on 14 January 2023. Prof. Chung-mau LO, Secretary for Health, Health Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Prof. Gilberto Ka-Kit LEUNG, President the Academy; Prof. Francis Ka-leung CHAN, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Prof. Vivian Kwang-wen LIN, Acting Dean, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Council Members and over 300 guests joined the event to witness the important milestone of the Academy.
The Academy has historically organised the Medical Education Conference annually with a focus on specialist training, while the two local medical faculties have separately organised their own educational conferences from time to time. The Tripartite Medical Education Conference 2023 was therefore the very first time that the three parties collaborated to co-organise a conference, linking up the local medical faculties and the Academy to provide undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in one single platform.

“Actualising the Curriculum Continuum” was the theme of the inaugural Tripartite Medical Education Conference 2023, which brought together local and overseas medical experts to share their experience and insights of the topic. The two-day conference included plenary, symposium, debate session and workshop components, and one of the key events was the roundtable titled “Ten Years Down the Line”. Speakers included President of the Academy, Dean/Acting Dean of the two medical schools, and Dr. Tong Pat-sing KO, Chief Executive of Hospital Authority, joined together to discuss medical education, specialty training, manpower planning and many more important topics.

For more information about the conference, please visit
Event highlights
celebratory events
19 MARCH 2023
The first-ever Run/Walk Challenge event organised by the Academy, themed “Health for All, Move Forward Together”, was held successfully on the 19 March 2023 at the Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District. Although the event took place on a day that saw some drizzle, the cool and refreshing weather made for a tremendous positive lift for everyone participating in this enjoyable and inclusive health and sports event.  

Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit LEUNG, President of the Academy, served as the event’s honorary emcee, while Dr. Johnny Kin-sang LAU, Chairman of the Young Fellows Chapter of the Academy, delivered the welcome speech on behalf of the Academy to everyone involved with the programme. It was our great honour to have Prof. Chung-mau LO, Secretary for Health, Health Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, officiating at the opening ceremony. Prof. Chung-mau LO delivered a motivating speech to everyone, emphasising the importance of physical fitness from a doctor’s perspective. Prof. LO and Prof. LEUNG sounded the starting horn together and kick-started the 5-km Running Challenge. After a spirited race during which some serious runners competed against themselves for a personal best record and others enjoyed great camaraderie running with colleagues as teams, the winners of the various categories were announced as below:

The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong
1st runner up
The College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong
2nd runner up
Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine
Dr. Kwong-ting HO
1st runner up
Dr. Chun-yip LAI
2nd runner up
Dr. Sheung-chun CHAN
Dr. Kit-ying SO
1st runner up
Dr. Dorothy Yuen-yee TANG
2nd runner up
Dr. Karen Shee-yueng HUNG
Congratulations to all of the well-deserved winners!

Apart from the 5-km Run, the Academy’s Fellows, specialist trainees and their families joined in for a 1-km Fun Walk and enjoyed quality leisure time at the waterfront of the beautiful West Kowloon Cultural District.
The Academy is organising a Run/Walk Challenge in celebration of its 30th anniversary. Through organising this fun sports event, we hope to encourage our Fellows and specialist trainees to exercise for better health and fitness, both physically and mentally, which would ultimately contribute to quality patient care. The event will provide a valuable opportunity for participants to stay motivated and to connect with peers on a blissful morning.

Event details
19 March 2023 (Sunday)
08:00 – Opening Ceremony
08:15 – 5km Run
Target participants: invited teams, Fellows and specialist trainees only
09:30 – 1km Walk
Target participants: Fellows, specialist trainees and up to 3 of their family members
Assembly point:
Great Lawn, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District, Tsim Sha Tsui
Entry fee:
For the 5km Run, there will be a total of 9 prizes available for winning. Runners of Team Categories are eligible to compete for both Team and Individual Awards. For details, please see below.
Team(By invitation)
1st runner-up
1st runner-up
1st runner-up
2nd runner-up
2nd runner-up
2nd runner-up
For the 1km Walk, this will simply be a walk for fun!
Register Now!
There will be a limit of 300 participants for 5km Run and 1km Walk combined. If you would like to celebrate with the Academy for its 30th Anniversary in a fun, healthy and rewarding way, please Register Now!  

Enquiries: [email protected]

• An email will be sent to successfully registered participants as confirmation.
• Registration will be closed on 28 February 2023 and will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.
• For each successful registration, a HK$300 retention fee will be kept as a deposit. You will be requested to send a cheque to the secretariat. The cheque will be returned to participants on the day of the event. A No-show on the event day is regarded as forfeiting their retention deposit. This ensures that all keen participants can most optimally enjoy the limited number of available places. 
Important Note
• The above event information has been submitted to the related Government departments for approval.
• The final arrangement may change following the Government’s latest requirements. 
Event Cancellation Policy
• Should the event be cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the Academy, all deposit cheques will be returned and the Academy shall have no further responsibility and / or liability thereafter.
• The Academy reserves the right to cancel or cut short the event for the situations such as adverse weather conditions, protests or blockage along the course and force majeure. A force majeure event shall include, but is not limited to, act of God, war, hostilities, invasion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, riot, commotion, strikes, go-slows, lock outs or disorder, outbreak of disease, acts or threats of terrorism.
• Please refer to the Academy official Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/hkam.org.hk) for any changes or cancellation of the event.
Adverse Weather Policy
• The registration is non-transferable in the event of cancellation or any amendment as a result of adverse weather conditions.
• The Event will be cancelled if tropical cyclone warning signal no.3 or above, or a red or black rainstorm signal is hoisted by the Hong Kong Observatory at 3:00 am or thereafter on the race day (i.e. 19 March 2023, Sunday)
• Please pay special attention to the weather forecast the night before the Event as it will indicate whether tropical cyclone warning signals, red or black rainstorm signals are likely to be hoisted in the forthcoming period.
• Please follow updates on the radio or TV announcements regarding the status of the Event from 3:00 am onwards on the Event day.
• Other than the above scenarios, should weather conditions turn bad or the aforesaid signals are issued during the race, the Academy may modify or cancel the event.
• Whether the event has started or not, the Academy reserves the right to make collective decision for event cancellation.
• If the event is cancelled after it has started, participants will be directed to leave the event venue under safe condition by marshals.
Event highlights
celebratory events
25 MARCH 2023
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine understands that every action counts and that the choices we make today will affect our future in different ways. As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary this year, we pledge to start anew as a responsible stakeholder in the community and encourage our constituent Colleges, staff, and partners to change some old habits with us for a more sustainable planet. We will do our best to take up green habits help protect habitats for our common future!

Earth Hour is the largest global environmental movement that enjoys enthusiastic participation from cities around the world and is supported by major sectors in the community. Hong Kong first joined Earth Hour in 2009, with prominent city landmarks including the International Finance Centre, the Cultural Centre and the Tsing Ma Bridge going dark for one hour. This year, it falls on Saturday, 25 March 2023 at 8:30pm. Click here for further details of the initiative.

Let’s join hands - switch off for Earth Hour, change our habits to protect habitats!
As the Academy celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, we pledged to start anew as a responsible stakeholder in the community and encouraged our constituent Colleges, staff and partners to take up green habits with us for a more sustainable planet.  The Academy took part in “Earth Hour, 2023”, with all non-essential building lights switched off on 25 March 2023 at 8:30pm for an hour.
Weunderstandthat every action counts and that the choices we make today will affect ourfuture in different ways. The Academy will continue to take necessary steps inorder to become more environmental friendly and looks forward to our continuingparticipation in Earth Hour in the years to come. Click
for the Certificate of Appreciation presented by WWF-Hong Kong for our participation in Earth Hour 2023. 
celebratory events
15 APRIL 2023
Join us for a relaxing walk along Lugard Road, a heritage trail and a habitat for various local flora and fauna, which is known for spectacular vistas over Victoria Harbour that help enhance people’s connection to place. Embrace the present moment while watching the sunset.

William Shum, an architect and an award-winning mobile photographer, will lead the walk and share ideas for taking good photos with smartphones. Click here for his photography.

Register now

For enquiries, please contact the secretariat at [email protected].
Academy Fellows and trainees gathered for a relaxing walk along Lugard Road, a heritage trail well-known for spectacular vistas over Victoria Harbour, on 15 April 2023. The participants appreciated the peer-to-peer networking and learnt useful skills of photo-taking with mobile phones shared by Mr. William Shum, an award-winning mobile photographer.
celebratory events
4 JULY - 31 OCTOBER 2023
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
To celebrate the 30th Anniversary of HKAM, the Academy has invited Fellows and Specialist Trainees to share their special moments with HKAM – whether about their professional growth / career advancement, their relationships built or their achievements made, in the form of photos or videos.
  1. Sowing Seeds on Fertile Ground for the Future
    Moments of learning, training, knowledge transfer, mentorship, friendship, reunion, inheritance, intergenerational learning
  2. In Full Spectacular Bloom
    Moments of outstanding professional achievement, personal achievement, graduation, award-winning, career breakthroughs, and recognizing continuing professionalism
Past Presidents interviews series (in catonese)
Submission requirements
Format: Photo or Video
  • Black and white or full colour photo
  • Digital format (in JPEG / PNG format)
  • At least 300 dpi and the file size should not be larger than 10MB
  • File format (in MP4/WMV/MOV/AVI format)
  • The file size should not be larger than 100MB
  • All entries should be submitted along with brief description of under 100 words (Chinese or English)
  • Each participant may submit more than one photo/video for each category and may submit photo(s) and/or video(s) for different categories.
  • Each submitted photo/video and description must be submitted only once
celebratory events
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine understands that every action counts and that the choices we make today will affect our future in different ways. As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary this year, we pledge to start anew as a responsible stakeholder in the community and encourage our constituent Colleges, staff, and partners to change some old habits with us for a more sustainable planet. We will do our best to take up green habits help protect habitats for our common future!

Earth Hour is the largest global environmental movement that enjoys enthusiastic participation from cities around the world and is supported by major sectors in the community. Hong Kong first joined Earth Hour in 2009, with prominent city landmarks including the International Finance Centre, the Cultural Centre and the Tsing Ma Bridge going dark for one hour. This year, it falls on Saturday, 25 March 2023 at 8:30pm. Click here for further details of the initiative.

Let’s join hands - switch off for Earth Hour, change our habits to protect habitats!
Hosted by the Academy, an exhibition titled “Mapping Professional Journey Across the Continuum” is being held from 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023 at the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences located on 2 Caine Lane, Mid Levels, Hong Kong (opening hours and directions).

The Exhibition highlights the Academy’s rich history from founding to present, including major milestones, pivotal events and achievements, as well as features its sustained efforts in upholding and improving the standards of medical and dental specialists practising in Hong Kong. The Exhibition also marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Academy.

Visit the exhibition and gain a deeper understanding about the Academy until the end of the year. Admission fee applies.
celebratory events
31 OCTOBER 2023
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit Leung
A bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa), a sacred fig tree with heart-shaped leaves, has been planted at the forecourt of the Academy Building to commemorate the Pearl Jubilee of the Academy in October 2023. The evergreen tree is a symbol of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, providing nourishment and wisdom to people. The meaning aligns with the Academy’s unique statutory roles and its sustained efforts in preparing its Fellows and trainees for challenges and opportunities coming their way, enabled them to grow and excel while pursuing continuing medical education and continuous professional development throughout their professional career.
Submission requirements
Format: Photo or Video
  • Black and white or full colour photo
  • Digital format (in JPEG / PNG format)
  • At least 300 dpi and the file size should not be larger than 10MB
  • File format (in MP4/WMV/MOV/AVI format)
  • The file size should not be larger than 100MB
  • All entries should be submitted along with brief description of under 100 words (Chinese or English)
  • Each participant may submit more than one photo/video for each category and may submit photo(s) and/or video(s) for different categories.
  • Each submitted photo/video and description must be submitted only once
celebratory events
17 NOVEMBER 2023
The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and Medical Alumni Golf Tournament 2023 was held successfully on 17 November 2023 with beautiful weather. This year, despite the event being rescheduled, we still had an impressive participation of around 50 golfers, including the Academy Fellows and medical alumni from both The University of Hong Kong and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The day was filled with joy and excitement.

We were honoured to have distinguished guests in attendance at the prize presentation dinner, including Prof. Gilberto Ka-kit LEUNG, President of the Academy, Dr. Matthew Sik-hon TSUI, President of HKU Medical Alumni Association, Dr. Joseph Chun-Kit CHUNG, Co-Chairman of Social Subcommittee, as well as Dr. Laurence Lee-tsun HOU and Mrs. HOU, the generous sponsors of our golf tournament. We extend our sincere gratitude to all participants, sponsors, and guests for making this event a memorable one.

Tournament Result
HKAM President’s Cup
Dr. Nicholas Siu-kay FUNG
CUHK Medical Alumni Cup
Dr. Ivan Chi-wang CHIU
Dr. Wai-ip TSE
HKU Medical Alumni & HKU 130th Anniversary Cup
Dr. William Siu-wai HO
Best Gross (Men)
Dr. Brandon Cheuk-fung LAW
Best Gross (Ladies)
Dr. Andrea Chor-kiu AU
Nearest to Pin
(hole 2) Dr. Chung-lun CHENG
(hole 5) Dr. Chin-cheung CHEUNG
(hole 9) Dr. Chi-kin SO
(hole 12) Dr. Benjamin Xin-hao FANG
(hole 15) Dr. Dacita To-ki SUEN
(hole 17) Dr. Brandon Cheuk-fung LAW
Longest Drive
(hole 4 - Men) Dr. Wilson LEE
(hole 4 - Ladies) Dr. Andrea Chor-kiu AU
(hole 10 - Men) Dr. Godwin Tat-chi LEUNG
(hole 10 - Ladies) Dr. Dacita To-ki SUEN
Congratulations to all of the well-deserved winners!
Event highlights
celebratory events
8 December 2023
The Academy celebrated its 30th anniversary with a Pearl Jubilee Gala Dinner held at the Run Run Shaw Hall of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building on 8 December 2023. The event marked the conclusion of a year-long celebration and was attended by distinguished guests, including The Hon John KC LEE, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and Mr. Xuejun YU, Vice-minister of the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China. Past Presidents of the Academy, Council Members, and around 300 local and overseas delegates also graced the occasion.

The evening began with welcome remarks by Prof. Gilberto Ka-Kit LEUNG, the President of the Academy, followed by speeches by The Hon John KC LEE and Mr. Xuejun YU, which highlighted the joint vision for medicine development and public health. The celebration officially commenced with a cake-cutting ceremony and toasts, adding to the festive atmosphere.
During the Gala Dinner, the Academy and guests reminisced about the various celebration events held throughout the year (click here to see the event highlights video). The evening was made even more special with outstanding performances by three bands composed of the Academy Fellows and representatives from different specialty Colleges, namely Medical Musicians HK, Medipella, and King's Harmonica Quintet. The musical performances were a special treat for everyone who joined the magnificent event, and who had come together to celebrate the Academy's 30th birthday occasion. The night was filled with joy, celebration, and pride in the Academy's achievements over the past 30 years, creating delightful memories for many in the years to come.
Event highlights
celebratory events
10 MARCH 2024
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine understands that every action counts and that the choices we make today will affect our future in different ways. As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary this year, we pledge to start anew as a responsible stakeholder in the community and encourage our constituent Colleges, staff, and partners to change some old habits with us for a more sustainable planet. We will do our best to take up green habits help protect habitats for our common future!

Earth Hour is the largest global environmental movement that enjoys enthusiastic participation from cities around the world and is supported by major sectors in the community. Hong Kong first joined Earth Hour in 2009, with prominent city landmarks including the International Finance Centre, the Cultural Centre and the Tsing Ma Bridge going dark for one hour. This year, it falls on Saturday, 25 March 2023 at 8:30pm. Click here for further details of the initiative.

Let’s join hands - switch off for Earth Hour, change our habits to protect habitats!
The Fun Day has been rescheduled to 10 March 2024, with the venue remaining at Stanley Ho Sports Centre, Sandy Bay, Hong Kong, due to bad weather on 10 September 2023.

The event will include a men's and a women’s basketball match, a men’s football match, and various game booths for families. Through the fantastic sports event, we hope to encourage Fellows and specialist trainees to exercise for better health and fitness, both physically and mentally, which ultimately contributes to quality patient care. Take the opportunity to stay motivated and connect with peers.

Poster and Event Highlights

Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you at the event!
celebratory events
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine understands that every action counts and that the choices we make today will affect our future in different ways. As we celebrate our 30th Anniversary this year, we pledge to start anew as a responsible stakeholder in the community and encourage our constituent Colleges, staff, and partners to change some old habits with us for a more sustainable planet. We will do our best to take up green habits help protect habitats for our common future!

Earth Hour is the largest global environmental movement that enjoys enthusiastic participation from cities around the world and is supported by major sectors in the community. Hong Kong first joined Earth Hour in 2009, with prominent city landmarks including the International Finance Centre, the Cultural Centre and the Tsing Ma Bridge going dark for one hour. This year, it falls on Saturday, 25 March 2023 at 8:30pm. Click here for further details of the initiative.

Let’s join hands - switch off for Earth Hour, change our habits to protect habitats!
The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a Pearl Jubilee Gala Dinner on 8 December 2023 as the grand finale. This extraordinary occasion will surely be a culmination of the three decades of commemorating excellence in medical education and research for Hong Kong.

As a prelude to the Gala dinner, the Academy will host the highly anticipated 30th Annual Fellowship Conferment Ceremony and the 2023 David Todd Oration, setting the stage for the recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of medicine. This year, esteemed rheumatologist and Academy’s Immediate Past President Prof. Chak-sing LAU, Dean of Medicine, Chair and Daniel CK Yu Professor in Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, The University of Hong Kong, will share insights on the topic of "Narrative Rheumatology" as one of the highlights of the event which will be an inspiration to participants and Hong Kong’s future medical practitioners.

During the Gala dinner, the Academy is most honoured to have The Hon John KC LEE, The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as the Guest of Honour and make a speech to commemorate the event.

The Gala dinner promises to be a memorable evening of celebration, bringing together eminent medical and dental professionals, researchers, and industry leaders in the city as well as from the Mainland and overseas. It serves as a testament to the Academy's steadfast dedication to promoting excellence in medical and dental specialist training, continuing medical education, continuous professional development and patient care.

The 30th Annual Fellowship Conferment Ceremony and 2023 David Todd Oration will take place at Run Run Shaw Hall of the Academy’s Building, commencing at 5:30pm. The Pearl Jubilee Gala Dinner will be hosted at 8:00pm that evening.

Stay tuned for future updates on this momentous occasion, as the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine continues to uphold its legacy of excellence, going even further to shape the future of medical advancements.

Enquiries: [email protected]